Monday, October 09, 2006


Monkeying around the last few days with Fedora Core 5 Linux on an old 233 MMX(~!) Dell laptop.

Finally got it installed. This laptop has NO floppy, NO CD, no way to get external data in except via the network.
USB and PCMCIA are available, but no boot drivers, of course.
That meant I had to use the handy-dandy adapter to adapt the laptop hard-drive to be used in a desktop machine.
That allowed me to put a minimal enough version of a linux core on to get on the network and install the rest.

The 3 GB hard drive is going to be a limiting factor though, I fear. I only have text apps installed so far, and nothing TOO useful, so I
can't even comment on how fast it works (or not). Telnet and mail work great! Woo-hoo!
I'm in the 80s!

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